Curriculum 2020

08. – 09.04. Postponed IRTG module: Biomarkers in Obesity
27. – 28.04. Postponed CRC retreat I in Leipzig, Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ)
29.04. Postponed Prospective: Starting a Career at the Institute of Food Hygiene
04. - 06.05. Postponed Summer school- Monastery Drübeck
14.05. IRTG online class: Future Career Options in Academia and Beyond
07. - 08.07.
IRTG skilling course: Interview training
IRTG online class: The digital scientist
22.07. Postponed Mentoring cafe
10.09./09.10. Online IRTG skilling course: Speed reading
29.09. Online IRTG module: Statistics and Bioinformatics
16.,17.,19.11. Online Autumn School 
Nov Postponed IRTG module: Therapeutics Targeting Obesity
30.11.- 04.12 Postponed CRISPR Genome Editing Workshop


IRTG module Biomarkers in Obesity

The number of biomarkers related to obesity and to associated diseases is still growing. This module will provide information on current laboratory chemistry, analytic methods, metabolic profiling and diagnostic strategies.

Principal investigators:

- Prof. Uta Ceglarek (CRC1052/A9), topic: quantitative mass spectrometry

- PD Dr. Jürgen Schiller (CRC1052, Z3), topic: (MALDI) Mass spectrometric and NMR spectroscopic Analysis 

- Prof. Martin von Bergen (CRC1052/Z3), topic: Mass spectrometry in proteomics 

Date   April 8-9, 2020
Venue - Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (ILM)
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig
- Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics
Time  9:00-17:00

The preliminary program is under development.

Register NOW!

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Prospective: Starting a Career at the Institute of Food Hygiene


A strong path in life science leads to a focus on academic careers. The day at the Institute of Food Hygiene is designed for the doctoral students in career related matters and in order to produce a tailored career development program focusing on obesity-related research areas.

Date: April 29, 2020

Venue: Institute of Food Hygiene, An den Tierkliniken 1, 04301 Leipzig

Time 9:30-12:00

Content: Research introduction to nutritional development of cardioprotective food especially presentation of the Competence Cluster NutriCARD including laboratory tour and practical part.


Register NOW!

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IRTG online class: Future Career Options in Academia and Beyond

Talk and Discussion: “Future Career Options in Academia and Beyond” given by Dr. Matthias Zach (

Date: 14.05.2020, time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.


Scientists have a lot of career options -- but they are often not aware of them. Given the risks and uncertainties involved in pursuing a scientific career, it is a good idea to plan the next steps carefully and to explore possible alternatives. This talk will set out the ways in which, based on your skills and interests, you can find suitable job profiles on academic and non-academic labour markets. It encourages you actively to develop your own ideas about your future career path. The online class consists of a lecture and subsequent discussion.

The  registration is closed.


IRTG online workshop: Interview training

How to write a persuasive job application - how to convince it in the job interview

First planned in presence we changed the conditions and and provide the seminar in a digital version.


Scientists make a lot of mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside science. This workshop will help you to write a convincing application and to be successful in the job interview.

Topics we deal with:

  • Written application I: standards in Germany for applications outside of academia. How to write them? What are typical mistakes and how to avoid them? How to develop a storyline? How to show you competencies?
  • Written application II: how do I apply unsolicited?
  • Written application III: new trends in application procedures.
  • Written application IV: what is different in other countries – some hints.
  • How to prepare the job interview? Training of interview situations.
  • Other ways of recruitment: assessment centre etc.
  • How to negotiate salary?

Please bring with you a job ad that fits you.

Workshop takes place via Zoom. Use of webcam is necessary. An integrated webcam in your laptop or phone is enough.

You receive the link to Zoom before the workshop.

Date: 7. and 8. July 2020

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom

Lecturer: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf counsels students and scientists in all relevant questions concerning their careers. He has founded together with colleagues out of public administration and private businesses.

Registration is open:

Please register by sending an e-mail to  until 29 June 2020 at the latest.

The digital scientist


15.07.2020, 10:00 a.m.


Rebecca Winkels (Head of Strategic Communication  for Wissenschaft im Dialog)


Online talk


The online seminar offers a well-structured and comprehensive introduction to online media for scientists. Furthermore, the course advertises how to use social media to connect with other academics and how your digital impact affects your discoverability and career development.

Topics are:

o             What does it really mean to be a digital academic?

o             How can you build your online academic profile via social media?

In this course you will:

-              Create your digital profile and learn how to influence it

-              Discover social networks and learn their benefit for you as scientists



Please register by sending an e-mail to
After registration, you will receive detailed login information.
Mentoring cafe


We invite the doctoral students of the Integrated Research Training Group IRTG "Obesity Mechanisms" of the CRC 1052 to attend our "Mentoring cafe".
Guest: Georg Teichert, equal opportunity commissioner of the Leipzig University
Date: July 22, 2020
Venue: Rudolf Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Seminar room D301/302
Time: 2 p.m.
IRTG skilling course: Speed reading
Bild von Free-Photos auf Pixabay

How to read fast and efficiently – Improved Reading crash course 

Date: 10.09./09.10.2020
Course aims:
- Increased reading speed
- Better text comprehension
- Variation of different reading techniques and strategies
- Higher level of concentration and motivation
- Special approaches towards scientific texts

Course structure:

1. Pre-course Webinar session - Sept. 10th 2020, 10.30-12.30h
– Introduction & Advice on reading scientific texts

2. Speed Reading Online Course
– 10 units (45-60 minutes each)
– Flexible training during 2-4 weeks, no fixed times/dates

3. Videochat (ca. 1h) during Speed Reading Online
– Half of the online course should be finished
– Date will be established via Doodle poll

4. After-Course Webinar session  - Oct 9th 2020, 10.30-12.30h
– Feedback & futher advice on reading scientific texts

Trainer: Friedrich Hasse, M.A., Improved Reading Trainer since 2003 in German and English, co-author of the best-selling book “Schneller lesen - besser verstehen” ("Read faster with better comprehension”, 80.000 sold copies since 2008). More information in German see:


Please register by sending an e-mail to  until 20 August 2020 at the latest.

Autumn School 2020

Welcome to Autumn School Information 

We invite the doctoral students of the Integrated Research Training Group IRTG "Obesity Mechanisms" of the CRC 1052 to attend the IRTG-Autumn School in the Monastery Drübeck, Harz. The Summer School has a special focus on young scientists. This year numerous slots of oral and posterpresentations and different skilling courses will be provided:

Date:   November 17-19, 2020
 Venue:  Tagungs- und Begegnungsstätte, Evangl. Zentrum Kloster Drübeck, Klostergarten 6, 38871 Ilsenburg OT Drübeck

Skilling courses:

I. Career planning for doctoral researchers - How to prepare yourself for the next step

Content: The majority of PhD holders does not stay in academia, but pursues careers in a variety of fields. Still, many young scientist struggle with finding out which career path they would like to pursue. They often do not know which career options exist, and even more importantly, they often have never taken the time to reflect on what kind of work they would actually like to do, and what their values, interests and goals in life are.

Lecturer: Dr. Iris Köhler,

II. Professional networking and communication

Content: A sustainable network is a key factor for a successful careerinside and outside theacademic sector. It allows an exchange of knowledge, accessto the key informati-on, and mutual support for successful projects. The key to networking is buildingmeaningful relationships and mutual trust.

Lecturer: Dr. Markus Gyger,

See you in Drübeck!

CRISPR Genome Editing Workshop
PublicDomainPictures auf Pixabay


CRISPR (clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats) is a defense mechanism in bacteria that degrades invasive viral DNA and other exogenous DNA. We offer an one-week training course to get familiar with the powerful technology. We have designed a comprehensive CRISPR workshop comprised of both lectures and hands-on laboratory work.


Trainer: Dr. Angela Schulz

Date: 30.11.- 04.12. 2020

Time: 09:00-16:30

Venue: Rudolf Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry

Number of participants: max. 10


Further workshops on transferable skills are offered by the Research Academy Leipzig.