Good scientific practice

The German Research Foundation (DFG), the central self-governing German Research Foundation, promotes good scientific practice. Initiated a self-regulating mechanism within scientific research, which was publicized at Leipzig University on 08/09/2002 and established on 04/17/2015 through “statues of safeguarding good scientific practice”.

Lecture on " good scientific practice"

To fulfil the rules of “good scientific practice” and to inform doctoral researchers,  the Faculty of Medicine of the Leipzig University offers a biannual lecture on “good scientific practice”. This lecture provides certificates for participants without having  to  register in advance. The lecture is open to all doctoral researchers  listed within the Faculty of Medicine at Leipzig University.

Ompudspersons of The Faculty of Medicine

The Senate has appointed experienced scientists to omnipersons, managing voluntary disclosure cases and incoming reports at Leipzig University. Incoming proceedings are handled in confidence and are directed to the responsible omniperson by the administrative office.

At the Faculty of Medicine:

Prof. Daniel Huster 

Prof. Johannes Lemke

are responsible for these tasks.